Winners and Losers
By Bob Burnham

Life is full of winners and losers.   Most of us have encountered both types.  In a tough and competitive business like broadcasting, if you are a “Loser” you will never “make it” in anything.  Period.  End of discussion.   You can count on one thing: Failure. 

An old friend recently commented (somewhat proudly) that he is a pessimist and a cynic: Everything is always bad, “things” will never get better and he is “doomed” to work a boring job at a big box retailer with horrible managers for “the rest of his days.”

That is a horrible attitude!!!  

Merely complaining about how bad the economy is, how much you hate the President or Democrats or the FCC, or the job you work – without developing a strategy or suggesting a remedy for the situation is pointless.  It is also a waste of everyone’s time that hears the complaint, but more importantly, it is A Waste of a Life! 

Maybe there are even co-workers who share your grief of a bad job.  If they do nothing but complain without doing something about it, they are also Losers themselves.  

Life is whatever you make it. Don’t make up lame excuses for why one CAN’T make a change to correct a situation -- no matter how difficult or daunting – or seemingly NEARLY impossible.   Nothing you are truly dedicated to accomplishing is impossible.  

Accept the fact that big changes take work – lots of it – patience AND determination.  

Anyone who almost loses their home (or perhaps has lost their home), their job, their lifestyle, their personal relationships CAN ALSO, recover, if they make up their mind to do it!

Pick a field of work that you are going to dedicate every cell of your body to succeeding in.  Maybe there will be some distractions that will slow you down, but don’t get too sidetracked!    You may hear reasons why maybe what you want is not a good career choice, but if that’s what you really and truly want, don’t listen to them.

Tell you best friends what you want to do.  If they are truly your friends, they will be behind you.  Sometimes a little nudge is what you need to stay on top of it, as it gives you a feeling of accountability to people you trust.   

A large part of it, however, has to come from within. 

As you start “making it”, don’t forget those friends – including the new ones who may have taught you a thing or two along the way.  

If you start out saying “I don’t have any friends,” an Attitude Adjustment will soon win you some new friends!  Don’t be whiner.  Don’t be a Loser.

People don’t like being associated with others who are Losers or at least display the signs of being Losers.

The process of growing older actually brings some amazing wisdom with it. One of aspects of wisdom comes from being associated with optimists rather than pessimists. This will also improve your chance of success in whatever you do.  

Almost everyone I’ve worked with in radio and at Specs Howard, past and present, falls exclusively in the “Winners” club. 

The world (and our business) is not a perfect place.  It never will be, but it’s not impossible to prosper, succeed and reach all your lifetime goals in most cases.  You can also have fun in the process, with the Right Attitude.

Starting from scratch, be ready for an incredible amount of work, and seemingly insurmountable challenges to at least reach a plateau. You may have to “re-invent” yourself.  I have several times.  If you think it’s too hard, then try working a fast food job for a while – which actually is a good exercise, and I have done it!  Sometimes to pay bills you have to do what you have to do, and there’s no shame in doing that either.  Just don’t forget that weekend job, or that internship where you’re doing what you REALLY want to do!  

“Membership” in the ‘Winners’ club is always open.  We have a nothing but fun and lead long, rewarding and prosperous lives.

‘Losers’ lead unhappy lives, are more prone to disease, and unfortunately (and sadly), may die young.  

Which club are you in?

-Bob Burnham